Many of us have made resolutions to help make 2020 our best year yet! Why not make a resolution to make Health & Safety more of a priority in your life?

Find your WHY.

Your WHY is the one constant that will guide you toward fulfillment in your work, life and goals.

Look back on the past year.

Make resolutions based on the successes of the past year. Avoid the patters which did not work.

Stay positive.

Keeping a positive attitude can go a long way.

Acknowledge distractions.

Activities that distract from tasks need to be acknowledged and thrown away! These can take away the concentration that need to be poured into the task and goals at hand.

Know what to do in case of an emergency.

Knowing who to call or how to react is as vital as knowing how to avoid hazardous situations.

Engage in safety training and make suggestions.

Safety training is where you get the building blocks to create a safer work environment. If you see a potential hazard, or even something that needs a little improvement, speak up. Your input will help keep yourself and others safe.

Inspect Personal protective equipment, gear and your workstation.

Is the safety vest still properly fitted? Does your workstation provide adequate ergonomic support?

Drink an adequate amount of water.

Stay hydrated! Especially during the warmer months.

Exercise regularly and stretch.

Take a walk during your break and concentrate on stretching the areas of your body that you feel need relaxation.

Most effective behavioral changes are met by:

  • Forcing a growth mindset that embraces personal growth.
  • Keeping metrics, Regular reporting and Publicly declaring goals.
  • Force skills that overcome and/or let go of fear. 
  • Force undistracted periods of work.
  • Build specific knowledge and skills. New knowledge creates a foundation for new skills.